
Personal Computer

Portable Personal Computer

As the personal computer became useful in the early 1970s, the idea of a portable personal computer followed. Portability is usually the first main reason laptops is better than desktop PC’s. Laptop can be used in many places - not only inside home and at the office, but also during commuting and flights, in mall, in lecture halls and libraries, at clients' location or at a meeting room, etc.

Each must consider the gadget’s capabilities and features in choosing. Here’s the two bests laptop: The top-notch mobile gaming machine and a great desktop-replacement laptop in general is Dell XPS M1730. It is expensive; the laptop can be optioned with a wide range of options, including dual video cards.

Its widescreen measures 17 inch. Acer Aspire 8920G, estimated $2,500 but costs a bit more, but includes a Blu-ray player, multi-channel surround sound and a wide screen 18.4-inch screen. The Acer is a solid and great performer in all other aspects; those who want to experience a great multimedia (DVD and Blu-ray) should be pleased with the Acer Aspire 8920G.


Its widescreen measures 18.4 inch that provides a perfect 16:9 aspect ratio for viewing high-def video content, and there's a built-in Blu-ray player. The 5.1 built in channel virtual sound system and well-placed built-in speakers provide the best integrated audio of any laptop.

Sony Vaio

Be smart, think of it, and choose the best. There’s a gadget that had all what you need.

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